Ma’amar Ze Hayom 5737 Erev Rosh HaShana (2 classes)
Ma’amar Ze Hayom 5737 Erev Rosh HaShana, Class One. Part 1 of this ma’amar addresses the classic question of why more of an issue is made of the creation of man than of creation itself. The answer, of course is that man fulfills the point of creation. The analysis of the interaction between the outer world (Koy) created on the 25th of Elul and the inner world (Zeh) made on the 1st of Tishrei (Rosh Hashanah) is presented. The class further explains how the inner world effects the outer world through the creation of humans elevates the outer world and thereby fulfills the purpose of Creation by revealing God’s presence in the Creation. Even though on the 25th of Elul Hashem made everything, it does not touch the level of what Rosh Hashanah because Rosh Hashanah is about people and about free will. When Jews do avodah (service) they are adding shevach (?) Class Length (1 hour 3 minutes and 37 seconds)
Ma’amar Ze Hayom 5737 Erev Rosh HaShana, Class One.
Ma’amar Ze Hayom 5737 Erev Rosh HaShana, Class Two. Part 2 of the ma’amar discusses how this ties into the ideas of היום and האמרת (we love G-d) and האמירך (G-d loves us). God gives us all of our gifts including the ideas that A. we work and we earn reward appropriately in a limited way. B. There is also the idea that God takes us out of limitation. This adds a fourth dimension to the Ma’amar: His giving us beyond the limitations of what we can earn on our own. The highest we can go on our own is to be a slave in front of the master – but to go higher we need a gift. In practical terms with no control man becomes an animal. Self- control is required to be more mentsch not more animal – the final step is to develop to the point where you can be a partner with Hashem. Class Length (59:17)
Ma’amar Ze Hayom 5737 Erev Rosh HaShana, Class Two.