
15. Arbaa Rashei Shonim 5737

Arbaa Rashei Shonim 5737, Class One.
This Ma’amar is a hemshech (continuation) from last Ma’amar (Shmos) it continues the discussion about Torah coming after Galus:
After first (limited) Galus Niglah of Torah, like planting and growing grain, the grain (seed) that is planted and the grain that grown are the same the gain is only in quantity.
After final (limitless) Galus- Nistar of Torah like fruit (grapes and olives) that grow from a seed which is of altogether different ‘stuff’ than the fruit indicating that the Torah of the final Geula is of a different quality altogether than what went into (was planted) in Galus.

Arbaa Rashei Shonim 5737, Class One.

Arbaa Rashei Shonim 5737, Class Two.
The beginning and the end of the Ma’amar are explored here.
There seems to be a suggestion from the Rebbe here that involves two great ideas regarding Liasid Lavo:
1) The Rosh Hashana LaIlan will be Rosh Chodesh Shvat (not Chamisha Asar BiShvat), like Beis Shamai.
2) The ikar Rosh Hashana will be Rosh Chodesh Shvat because Liasid the primary learning of Torah will be Pnimiyus HaTorah which is connected to fruit rather than to grain as explained in class one.
Length: 34:15

Arbaa Rashei Shonim 5737, Class Two.

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