18 Hinneni Mamtir 5737 (Muga), Class One. This Ma’amar is Muga and appears in Sefer Hama’amarim Milukat vol 1 page 235 ff. It is a Manna מן Ma’amar explaining the spiritual significance (beyond just feeding Yidden in the wilderness) of the Man. Point: there is no way one can achieve the highest level of oneness with Hashem through effort, it MUST be gifted; thus, the Manna. Bread from earth, Emuna, miracles but only (permanent) Mimalei Kol Almin. The Manna brings much higher than that and it was mandatory before we would be given the Torah, which raises us up to the level of מהלך growing and rising infinitely.
18 Hinneni Mamtir 5737 (Muga), Class One.
18 Hinneni Mamtir 5737 (Muga), Class Two. The lesson from this Ma’amar is the same lesson we learn in the Kuntres Eitz HaChayim: that (even) those whos level is only Teshuva Tata’a, should on occasion engage in the Avoda of Yichuda Illa’a, Ishapcha etc.