10 Shvat 5721, Class 7; Sicha 2 (Class5). Toras Menachem vol. 30 page 61-63. (Time: 28:34) Inside reading of the Rebbe’s comments on the post Shabbos prayer “V’yiten Lecha”, and how it is connected to Malave Malkah. Two interpretations, one speaks of Torah and the other speaks of Material blessings and they are ONE in these words, to underscore the connection between the spiritual and the material. A beautiful explanation is brought of bringing of the smell of apples from Gan Eden into the post Shabbos period gives rise to the “V” which make the brochas possible in “V’Yiten lacha Elokim”.
10 Shvat 5721, Class 7; Sicha 2 (Class5).
10 Shvat 5721, Class 8; Sicha 3 (Class 1). This class begins with a long post-Purim discussion. At the end we started the Sicha and the idea of the Hiskashrus from the Rabbeiim to their Chassidim, that they would think of them from time to time and it would affect the Chassidim’s feelings.
10 Shvat 5721, Class 8; Sicha 3 (Class 1).
10 Shvat 5721, Class 9; Sicha 3 (Class 2). Tzadikim are like Hashem is about fulfilling the Mitzvah of ללכת בדרכיו.