Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek One, Class One.The Zohar is read and explained.The unique place of Sara in Torah is emphasized.Chava, Noach, Sara.
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek One, Class Two.1) Review of yesterday’s questions.2) More questions: A. Chava Noach and Sara (her role), B. Chayey Sara in the SAME Possuk twice, why?
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek One, Class Four.Many Questions and answers.Defining words (beginning).
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek One, Class Five.Deffinitions of Key words:מציאותישמציאות אורעצמותנאצלמאצילנקודה ספירה פרצוףפרצוף, [פנים, אדם, עולם]יש מאין two translations[התחלקות, התכללות]
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Two, Class Six.Ma’amar and Biur (story of Reb Yekusiel Lieplier)#Storynote : 0:34 – 22:35 Yekusiel Lepler’s Life StoryThe Biur of this Ma’amar about Simcha (and Bittul) begins here.Maamar Inside begins 22:38Simcha and Chassidus, differences between attitudes and beliefs of the Misnagdim and the Chassidim.
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Two, Class Seven.The Ma’amar was read inside: 1) עבדו את השם בשמחה and 2) תחת אשר לא עבדת את השם אלוקיך בשמחה ובטוב לבב וגו’ ועבדת את אויביךThe Simple meaning and the Pshat of the RaMbaM and the Arizal, Joy is critical and basic.The fact that the lack of joy...
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Two, Class Eight.Second Paragraph Perek 2 begins.Atzmus (what it means) and the contradiction in it being revealed.Not available through the mind [words: 1) תפיסה and 2) השגה and 3) עיון and 4) הבחנה and 5) הבנה]. but it is through Joy.In other sources: Action brings Atzmus, Simcha reveals it.
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Two, Class Nine.More analysis of words.Avodas HaTefilla: mind and heart and Soul (Joy and Delight)Differences between mind and Soul (beg).The differences between the in their form and in their root.
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Two, Class Ten.When the name of a Tzadik (and the like) are repeated twice successively, RaShI says it means endearment, but this is not a sufficient explanations for Chassidus.Chassidus quotes the Zohar that explains that the double allusion refers to this entity in Atzilus and down here.Within this idea itself...
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Two, Class Eleven.Questions answered.The idea of the Mashal of the piece of wood and the little bit of ash, for ואנכי עפר ואפר.They are both the same Middah yet so different.It separates a world from a world.
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Two, Class Twelve.Questions answered.Inside, why Kochos are separated from world to world and therefore (also) removed from Atzmus.
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Two, Class Thirteen.Simcha and Ta’anug also has levels, but the divisions aren’t absolute, and all levels have something in common including their source (and connection to this source) in Atzmus.1) The ideas of צמצום and נגע בו הצמצום are introduced and explained to provide insight for the difference between these...
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Two, Class Fourteen.Last class on Perek 2Questions answered.Another form to explain the difference between הבנה והשגה and שמחה ועונג: the idea of the Nefesh having גילויים and כחות.The Soul speaks in it’s infinity גילויים, is a Mashal for Simcha ViOnegThe Soul speaking through the כחות הנפש is a Mashal for...
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Three (1), Class Fifteen.Introduction to Perek 3, Bittul is the key to Simcha.What is Bittul. where you vacate the space of your own freedom with someone else’s (like a slave whose freedom belongs to his master).“One’s Freedom” consist of two points: 1) Self ownership, 2) Personal responsibility. The meaning of...
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Three (2), Class Sixteen.Questions answered.Anava and Bittul are not brokenness. Simcha (beginning).
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Three (3), Class Seventeen.The difference between כיווץ (suppression (?)) and ענוה (true humility), one comes from weakness the other from strength.Accordingly one motivates Joy and the other doesn’t.Joy from a gift, if we have Anava.
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Three (4), Class Eighteen (Partial).Part of a Shiur: the answers to yesterday’s questions.
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Three (5), Class Nineteen.In this class we pointed out an error in the classes direction vis-a-vis this Ma’amar.We put the issue of Kivutz vs Bittul to rest.Bittul is different than a healthy self-esteem in the sense that one doesn’t only have inner peace (to what he or she wants), but...
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Three (6), Class Twenty.In this class we began discussing “Bilti Murgash” (not feeling oneself in the Joy) out of fear of Holelus (frivolity) emerging from the Simcha. Story of Reb Aharon Starshiler (Horowitz) and Reb Zalman Zezmer, “Arkeh Arkeh krich arope fun Tish”.
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Three (7), Class Twenty One.This class explores Murgash,It uses the example of the Klipa against Atzilus “ראומ”ה”, seeing Bittul is also a form of Yeshus.And how this relates especially to Simcha, since it is so outward (בהתפשטות) the possibility of ill use is great.Thus, one needs Bittul (בלי מורגש) in...
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Four (1), Class Twenty Two.Beginning of Chapter 4,Nowadays the level of Bilti Murgash is so difficult, that it is hard for people to maintain it.This change began with the original sin, of Adam and Chava eating from the fruit of the Eitz HaDa’as.
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Four (2), Class Twenty Three.Moreh Nevuchim Section 1 Chapter 2.Two types of ideas (שבל) the are called מושכלות (abstract reason that deals ideas removed from any form, and especially physical from) and מפורסמות (ideas connected to the physical world).Philosophy versus physical sciences, the personal integrity of the philosopher matters so...
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Four (3), Class Twenty Four.This class was entirely dedicated to review yesterday’s class.We went over the questions and explained what the Moreh Nivuchim explains about Adam and Chava before and after the original sin.
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Four (4), Class Twenty Five.We returned to the Ma’amar and the idea of Murgash that came about as a result of the original sin.But then the Rebbe adds what appears to be controversial, and that is, that the fact that they sinned in the first place is because of Murgash.This...
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Four (5), Class Twenty Six.This class began with answering the questions from last time, including the suggested answer (בדרך אפשר) to the paradox of Murgash: The effect of the original sin is Murgash and it’s cause is also Murtgash. The suggestion involves understanding Free Will.We continued inside with the idea...
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Four (5)- Perek Five (1), Class Twenty Seven.In the end of Perek 4 the Rebbe asserts that: 1) real Bittul brings real Simcha, 2) and that this Simcha is Dira BiTachtonim!!.In the beginning of Perek 5 we return to the Ma’amar proper and the issue of Chava Noach and Sara,...
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Five (2), Class Twenty Eight.Chava’s failure.Murgash gets her. There’s בירור בדרך ממילא like by Shlomo HaMelech, where he sits in his place and the world is drawn to him because of his powerful light, but that was forfeited in the original sin.Now there must be בירור בדרך התלבשות where even...
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Five (3), Class Twenty Nine.Noach’s effort and failure.He hoped to use wine to bring bittul (Gasagas Hashelila, or) Chochma into Bina.We’ll see later what is wring with this. He fell into drunkeness.
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Five (4), Class Thirty.Sara does succeed to bring Bittul to Murgash, because she is real Bittul (of Malchus, not of Chochma [Noach]), this is why she succeeds where they failed.
Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5712, Perek Six- Seven (end of Ma’amar), Class Thirty One.“Chayey Sara… Shnei Chayey Sara”.There are two Saras and both are perfect: the one in the higher realms and the one that descends to the lower worlds. Her life (and death( are celebrated to celebrate this: her ability to uplift even this that...
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