25-05. Sfichim (what grows by itself). The self growing foliage may be treated more strictly than that on plants (in the sixth year) outright. The concept mystically, there are no new Neshamos (in Galus), but all the Neshamos of Galus are Gilgulim… what was planted long ago but grown now. The idea of seeds germinating and surfacing long after they are dropped into the ground is linked to the expression שבק (like רוחא הוא דשביק בגוי’ה). This ties into התקשרות for people who never knew their Rebbe. This class includes a Midrash, the RaMbaN, Sefer HaChinuch, Etz HaDa’as Tov, Sefer HaLikutim Tzemach Tzedek, Sichos 10 Shvat 5719, Titzaveh 5727.