Likutei Sichos – Vol 27 p 191 ff – Two Tekufos of Yemos HaMashiach (03)
Posted: May 24, 2021
Likutei Sichos vol 27 page 191 ff. Class Three. This class “gets into the RaMbaM’s head” what compels him to insist that the times of Moshiach “must” have two periods. Two levels: 1) Since Moshiach can happen in two ways (זכו ולא זכו) so the RaMbaM must give us essentially a minimalist view of how he must come “at least” in Halacha. 2) Moshiach happens on two levels (with certainty): A. the Halachic Moshiach B. the miracle Moshiach; so even if miracles happen at the outset of the Messianic era, the Halachic level will be significant in as much as the person of Moshiach and Halacha is concerned. The above question and answers applies to the question of who builds the Beis HaMikdash, man (RaMbaM) or it is from heaven (Rashi).