
Toras Menachem vol. 7. Page 13 ff.

Toras Menachem Vol 10 pp11-15

Nitzovim Vayelech, Erev Rosh Hashana 5719 to 5720 Toras Menachem Vol 26

Likutei Sichos – Vol 19 p 291 ff Ths story of Chana is read on Rosh Hashana because it has a lesson for US: How to Daven on this special day.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 19 p 291 ff – Chana’s Prayer teaches and inspires the Davening on Rosh Hashanah.The way Chana prays and the way Eli HaKohain reacts to her defines what happens on Rosh Hashana in SHul.We ask for what we need but it it is really about our service of Him. Likutei Sichos...

Can we fool the Satan? Five explanations for the idea of ‘fooling the Satan’ 1) The L’vush, we don’t create Yom Tov through Kidush, 2) Rashi, our hiddur Mitzvos discourages him, 3) By cutting back on the Korban of Rosh Chodesh, the Satan leaves us as we are fooling ourselves, 4) We feel bad about...

Rosh Hashana Can we fool the Satan? Five explanations for the idea of ‘fooling the Satan’ 1) The L’vush, we don’t create Yom Tov through Kidush, 2) Rashi, our hiddur Mitzvos discourages him, 3) By cutting back on the Korban of Rosh Chodesh, the Satan leaves us as we are failing ourselves, 4) We feel...

Likutei Sichos – Vol 29 p 182 ff What is it about Chana’s prayer that makes it the basis for so many important Halachos of T’filla?

The idea that in the very beginning there is the end shows itself in the idea that ‘the blowing for practice’ on the first day of Rosh Chodesh Elul is connected to Yom Kippur!