Gefen MiMitzrayim Tasia 5737. The first of three Ma’amarim associated with 12 Tamuz (50th anniversary) 5737. The point of the Ma’amar: The key to the Jewish people’s travels is Na’aseh ViNishma; it really requires Bittul because to see travel as advantageous is impossible, it is only that this is His will, that as we travel we grow. This is true for Him as well, as His reason for creation דירה בתחתונים is equally beyond understanding. A series of Ma’amarei chazal explaining why Yidden are compared to “Gefen” (vine). 1) Everything serves to protect the most important thing: the fruit 2) dead wood holds up the living tree, as it cannot support it’s own weight; Nimshal: we are supported by the Avos. 3) You cannot hybrid grapes with anything else: Yidden cannot be assimilated.