
A kabalas Panim Sicha. Even in Parshas Toldos there is still relevance in Parshas Chayey Sara which is about the marriage of Yitzchok and Rivka and its meaning for all of us. Toras Menachem Vol 7 pp182-190

Toras Menachem vol 10 pp 152-4; 164-5; 165-7

Toras Menachem vol 29 page 211 ff

Vayera Toldos Patriarchs (13) Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 122 ff / Torah Ohr Toldos (beg.) This class combines a Sicha about Avrohom and the Torah Ohr (beginning of Parshas Toldos) that helps enlighten what separated Avrohom from Yitzchok. Avrohom shone light and inspired from above, doing what appears in affect to be forcing...

Toldos Patriarchs (16) Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 191 ff Avrohom looked so much closer to Yishmael. In fact Yishmael did Teshuva during his father’s lifetime, while Aisav seemed so evil. Under the surface however, Yitzchok’s connection to Aisav is limitless (he was a Jew, only a sinner) while Yishmael’s relationship to Avrohom was...

Likutei Sichos -vol. 15- page 221 ff.A (brilliant) RaShI Sicha: Aisav ‘saw’ twice what Ya’akov did; why the Torah tells us that he saw this twic e and what does it all mean. Likutei Sichos -vol. 15- page 221 ff.

Toldos Patriarchs (17) Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 108 ff Aisav is Yitzchok’s son, and as he is in Yitzchok, he and Yaakov are just two versions of avodas Hashem, one that is like a Chossid and the other one who overcomes his Yetzer HaRa. Aisav just made bad choices.

Toldos Patriarchs (15) Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 103 ff Yitzchok is even more like Avrohom, chesed, than is Avrohom himself because of the Bittul of Yitzchok.

Toldos Patriarchs (14) Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 122 ff Yitzchok’s idea is digging wells. What water the wells give him is Hashem’s business. As a result his wells last. The three wells, built with different levels of dedication and sacrifice last for different lengths of time. The third which is through Bittul and...

Toldos VaYeitze Patriarchs (22) Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 p 113 ff Supplement, a Maamar from the Alter Rebbe about our Galus Edom (Aisav) lasting so long! Overt and covert enemies, Aisav as an outright evil is dealt with, while the devious Lavan took twenty years to subdue. In our Galus it is Aisav that...