
The walls of Yerushalayim were breached leading to the destruction of the first Beis HaMikdash.

Background on the fast in Tammuz with comparison to the other fasts during the year.

A short thought.

The Three Weeks are called “Bein Hamitzarim” (5781/ 2021)A thought on the three weeks, “between two “narrow” occasions, what this means.And as it relates to Moshiach.

The Three Weeks (5783/ 2023)Aveilus, is smallness (קטנות המוחין), is at a certain time just like all holiday’s have themes linked to certain times. How will it be when Moshiach comes? [מעשה גדול שאין בזה קטנות וגדלות]. The Three Weeks (5783/ 2023)