AtemNitzavim 5712, Class Two. This class makes two points: Point One: The Avoda parallels of each of the three בריתות are: A. כריתות ברית דנח the idea of מודה אני where all we do is submit; like זיכוך כללי B. כריתות ברית דאברהם the process and effort of the “ladder” of davening and Torah through human effort. C. כריתות ברית דמשה through Teshuva, becoming a new person. Point Two: Why is there a need for a כריתות ברית (a covenant), why aren’t the conditions that created these three gifts (from G-d to man) enough? Answer: because none of this relationship (between G-d and creation) really make sense; it is entirely above reason and based on His will alone, thus the Covenant (=His Will).