Yechayenu 5737, Class One. 1) Hashem adds life to a living world on three levels יומיים is two and ביום השלישי is the third. This is especially appropriate for Rosh Hashana when all lifbegins (anew). 2) These three ideas are connected to each of the three idea עולם שנה נפש. שנה (time) is the three stages: now, after Moshiach (or” Gan Eden) and Olom Haba. עולם (space) is the three worlds ביראה יצירה עשי’ה and this lifisa accommodated by performing in the three columns of Torah Tefilla and Mitzvos, and the three levels of love: בכל לבבך; בכל נפשך; בכל מאודיך.