Basukos Tashvu 5737, Class Two. This class encompasses the beginning (questions) and end (answers) of the Ma’amar. It reveals a wonderful Nigla-Nistar connection, that the question of a temporary dwelling (דירת עראי) being permanent (תשבו כעין תדורו) is actually the same as the question of settling a Makif found in Chassidus (בסוכות תשבו). He questions the כל האזרח בישראל ישבו בסוכות; he also questions שמיני עצרת’s connection and independence from Sukkos. He also discusses that Sukkos “only” reveals what Roash Hashana and Yom Kippur achieved 1) to the entire world 2) ONLY to Yidden. He explains three levels: 1) encapsulating a Makif, 2) revealing the higher Makif of Yechida, 3) Jewish exclusivity. He ties all this in to Moshiach and Yidden and Goyim and more.