05. Ata Haraisa 5737 Mugga(Simchas Torah Ma’amar) Class One.
Posted: October 3, 2021
Ata Haraisa 5737 (Simchas Torah Ma’amar) Class One. This class is on the (beginning and the end of the) Ma’amar, the next class will on the (middle or the) Biur of the Ma’amar. The question is how this Possuk is connected to Simchas Torah. The Rebbe explains two levels in Achdus Yisroel: A. where everyone gives and takes from everyone else, and B. where we are actually one), and argues that there are the same two levels in dancing with the Torah: A. where the feet raise up the head in dancing, B. the entire body as one dances. This will be connected to the two ideas of: A. הוי’ הוא האלוקים and B. אין עוד מלבדו. The class had an interesting introduction about A. גילוי אל הזולת and B. גילוי העצמות and C. how BOTH must be outside of the עצם.
Ata Haraisa 5737 (Simchas Torah Ma’amar) Class One.