Series on the ”King in the Field” CLASS 9, Rosh Hashana Class 2.
Posted: October 5, 2021
Series on the ”King in the Field” CLASS 9, Rosh HashanaClass 2. “I am Pouring Out My Soul Before G-d” The Rambam calls the period between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur the “time of teshuvah”. During this period, Jews are inspired without premeditation. A person driving in the car or jogging in the park can be so overcome by a feeling of emptiness and distance from Hashem (G-d) that he or she breaks down and cries from the pain. The Lubavitcher Rebbe encourages us to use this time with intention. We should not just let teshuvah happen. When a Jew does teshuvah during the days leading up to Yom Kippur, he or she feels a power from the inner yechidah – as the inner source of the individual draws closer to the Source on High. Note: The word teshuva in Hebrew means return and refers to a “return” to Hashem. Accessible to everyone.
Series on the ”King in the Field” CLASS 9, Rosh HashanaClass 2.