Vayera 18:23~32 – Avraham tries SIX times (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2021)
Posted: October 25, 2021
Vayera 18:23-32 Avraham tries SIX times (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2021). Avraham tries to save the evil people of Sedom using various methods: A. Sedom’s worthiness B. His merits C. and when both those fails he “just” asks for Him not to be angry. Each of the six requests is explored. The first is the most assertive. The second he speaks like “ash and dust” (different than he is in Atzilus.) The third is the same as the second, but he asks for a percentage of the people. The fourth he asks Hashem “at least” not be angry in judgement. The fifth he asks that in his (Avraham’s) zechus He shouldn’t be angry. The sixth, he says, this is the last time he’s asking, and asks Hashem not to be angry because if He will be there will be no one to daven on Sedom’s behalf.