VaYechi The Tribes (59) Likutei Sichos – Vol 03 p 831 ff This class explains the unique place of Yosef in Galus: he is both a part of it (not like Yaakov) but altogether above it (not like his brothers). As a result he can initiate it and he can predict it’s end.
Vayechi The Tribes (54) Likutei Sichos – Vol 10 p 160 ff Yaakov’s best years were in Egypt not because of what was going on with him, but what was going on with his children, who were susceptible to the realities of Golus. Their learning Torah made Yaakov’s stay in Egypt the best moments of...
Vayechi The Tribes (55) Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 422 ff Parshas Vayechi really is about Ya’akov’s passing, yet it is called Vayechi- that Ya’akov lived his best years there! The idea is that life is eternity and that is only in and with God, and only when Ya’akov showed his true connectedness was...
Vayechi The Tribes (56) Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 432 ff In Galus there are two ‘first borns’: Yosef’s first born is Menashe: to remember from where you come and not to be influenced by the environment you are in. Ya’akov’s first born is Ephrayim: to succeed and prosper and take something from the...
Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 439 ff. – Yehuda’s gains and Reuvain’s losses, it’s not about the sin it’s about leadershipIt really doesn’t add up; why should Reuvain lose (his sins are so small) and Yehuda gain (his sins maybe bigger)?Answer: it is a measure of the ability to lead (Reuvain fails that test),...
VaYechi The Tribes (58) Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 228 ff Ya’akov wishes to tell his children when the Geula will come and they will leave Egypt. But God doesn’t let him. How could they both be correct [as Ya’akov is a Merkava and above error]?? The answer is perspective: Ya’akov hopes to encourage...
Vayechi The Tribes (58) Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 228 ff Ya’akov wishes to tell his children when the Geula will come and they will leave Egypt. But God doesn’t let him. How could they both be correct [as Ya’akov is a Merkava and above error]?? The answer is perspective: Ya’akov hopes to encourage...
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