
10. Mai Chanuka 5736

Mai Chanuka 5736.
This Ma’amar is…
1) Considered a Hemshech to the Pada BiShalom Ma’amar form 19 Kislev, though the connection seems rather superficial
2) Based on the Previous Rebbe’s Ma’amar by this name from 25 years earlier (5701).
In this Ma’amar Chanuka is explained, and the Mesiras Nefesh it involved is articulted.
He explains that the word מקרב in the Possuk פדה בשלום refers to the idea of Mesiras Nefesh.
And he offers two very different reasons why Chanuka candles are connected to (Mitzvos) Mezuza, with the Mezuza on the right and the Chanuka candles (Torah) on the left.
Reason One: Mitzvos can only uplift “the right side” (Klipas Noga) while Torah decends to the level of falsehood, representing uplifting Tumah also.
Reason Two: when the Tumah is so severe that it can contaminate the mind (Torah) also you need the One Jug of Oil with Kohen Gadol’s seal on it; the idea of Mesiras Nefesh. Mesiras Nefesh is mostly in Mitzvos (represented by the Mezuzah) which must come before the Torah, Menucha, rest, bringing Godliness into all details of living.

Mai Chanuka 5736.

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