BiChof Hai BiKislev 5736 Class One.This Ma’amar is clearly a Hemshech from the one before it.This class we learned the middle (the ‘Biur’) of the Ma’amar. It is the classic Chanuka idea. Most Tuma’ah touches Middos and Mitzvos.The Tuma’ah of the Seriain Greeks (the ‘Yevanim’) touched ‘Mochin’ (the Torah itself) and therefore needs Mesiras Nefesh...
BiChof Hai BiKislev 5736 Class Two.This is the second of two classes on this Ma’amar.Here we learn ‘the (beginning and the end of the) Ma’amar’ itself.The foundational idea is that we celebrate the miracle of FINDING the jug of oil, which 1) was the source of the energy that was needed to have the Mesiras...
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