
Farbrengen 17-18 Kislev Hollywood Florida (5782/ 2021) 1st Talk1) Lechayim2) the story in brief and it’s relevance to us

Farbrengen 17-18 Kislev Hollywood Florida (5782/ 2021) 2nd TalkWhat is Chassidus?Neshama, from the inside out.

Farbrengen 17-18 Kislev Hollywood Florida (5782/ 2021) 3rd Talk“Real Chassidim”, living Chassidus.

Farbrengen 17-18 Kislev Hollywood Florida (5782/ 2021) 4th TalkAttention: the first ten seconds on the video are blank, don’t panic the talk is there!Final remarks.The Rogetchover and Reb Tzadok HaKohain :go find yourself a Rebbe…”Pada BiShalom Nafshi, a thought on the Ma’amarim on this Possuk.