
Asher Yatzar and Elokai Neshama These two Brachos are a pair: Guf and Neshama. A brief overview of these two Brachos and their interface.

Elokai Neshama Class One. Wednesday 19 MarCheshvan 2014/ Oct. 23, 2013. This is the First class on Elokai Neshama. Here we introduce the prayer, thanking Hashem for the (Godly) Soul, and not just life (like Asher Yatzar). We noticed variations in the text of the prayer from various Rishonim. We read the Tolaas yaakov who...

Elokai Neshama Class Two. Wednesday 26 MarCheshvan 2014/ Oct. 30, 2013. The second class on Elokai Neshama is still not the reading of the paragraph, but it sets the stage by explaining the key words in this prayer at length: 1) Tehora, why is the Neshama called pure rather than holy, 2) Elokai, why is...

Elokai Neshama Class Three. Wednesday 3 Kislev 2014/ Nov. 6, 2013. We read the Elokai Neshama inside. Explaining (in part): 1) the Yesh Meayin of the Neshama, 2) the time limitation and timelessness of it, 3) the eternity of the Neshama and its resurrection, 4) and the thank you.