
16c. Basi Legani 5722, Class Three.

16c. Basi Legani 5722, Class Three.
NOTE: This class is quite long, but it has several segments that can be listened to individually, and will make the listening easier:
1) Minute 00.00- Minute 34.17
2) Minute 34.17- Minute 52.53
3) Minute 52.54- Minute 67.49
4) Minute 67. 49- End
This third and final Shiur, ends the Ma’amar.
The Rebbe adds another aspect to the entire issue of אין סוף or אור אין סוף carrying the idea of יש האמיתי due to the notion of אור מעין המאור by introducing us to the idea of יכולת, which is a level of אור that IS in and of itself אין לו תחילה and THIS becomes the basis for the notion of אין סוף having the advantage of אין תחילה, which makes it truly אין סוף.
The Rebbe brings two forms in Avoda to further argue this point:
A. גדולים מעשה צדיקים יותר ממעשה שמים וארץ which is explained because our Avoda doesn’t only reach the אין של יש האמיתי but the יש אמיתי itself due to the ideas of יכולת and אור מעין המאור.
B. The idea that the end of Avoda is Shabbos, and Shabbos is Atzmus because it is מנוחה (True Rest) which is only (in) Him, and this is also true due to the idea of אור carrying מאור because of אור מעין המאור.
The Ma’amar finishes by helping us see the flow of this entire Hemshech which is to explain ענין האוצר למעלה which is the higher idea of אין למעלה עד אין קץ, but in the short term we discuss (first) אין סוף למטה עד אין תכלית to help us get to that ultimate understanding.

16c. Basi Legani 5722, Class Three.

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