Exile and Redemption (136)(01) – How the well operated
Posted: November 1, 2021
Exile and Redemption (136)(01)
Sefer Shmos
How the well operated: it would roll with them and stayed until they came to the border of ארץ ישראל, then it entered (supposedly) the ים כנרת. The בארה של מרים flooded the pass or gorge (chasm) between the two mountains at נחל ארנון so the Jewish People could witness Hashem’s miracle. The story of מי ריבה: Its called צור and סלע, here Moshe is told to hit the stone and at the end of the forty years he was told to talk to it; and we know what
Class One Hundred and Thirty Six, The Chumash: The “Well of Miriam” Class One.