1. 13 Principles of Faith, Ani Ma’amin, Yigdal. (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5780/ 2020) Class One.As part of the Siddur series and in conjunction with the meditation of אדון עולם we decided to explore the י”ג עקרי האמונה.We talked about the אריז”ל’s issue (not with the content, but) with the Nusach of the 13 Ikarim (whoever...
2. 13 Principles of Faith, Ani Ma’amin, Yigdal. (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5780/ 2020) Class Two. We read an English translation of each of the first five Ikarim and compared and contrasted them to the language of the אני מאמין and יגדל there are quite a few discrepancies. Ikar One: Hashem is the Creator, we need...
3. 13 Principles of Faith, Ani Ma’amin, Yigdal. (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5780/ 2020) Class Three. We read an English translation of each of the next four Ikarim and compared and contrasted them to the language of the אני מאמין and יגדל there are quite a few discrepancies.Ikar Six: Prophecy is real: man can raise himself...
4. 13 Principles of Faith, Ani Ma’amin, Yigdal. (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5780/ 2020) Class Four. We read an English translation of each of the last four Ikarim and compared and contrasted them to the language of the אני מאמין and יגדל there are quite a few discrepancies.Ikar Ten: He knows what man is doing; is...
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