
04. 13 Principles of Faith, Ani Ma’amin, Yigdal. (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5780/ 2020) Class Four.

4. 13 Principles of Faith, Ani Ma’amin, Yigdal. (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5780/ 2020) Class Four.
We read an English translation of each of the last four Ikarim and compared and contrasted them to the language of the אני מאמין and יגדל there are quite a few discrepancies.
Ikar Ten: He knows what man is doing; is primarily about ידיעה and not about knowing secrets (which is really not such a big deal).
Ikar Eleven: Reward and Punishment, including עולם הבא and כרת; that isn’t so emphasized in the יגדל and אני מאמין.
Ikar Twelve: Waiting (and expecting) for Moshiach every day; and don’t calculate קיצים. Moshiach is from Dovid’s children from Shlomo’s branch of that family.
Ikar Thirteen: Why the RaMbaM says so little (here) about תחיית המתים. The only real discussion in the RaMbaM (though it is in הלכות תשובה and here (and more) is in אגרת תחיית המתים. The reason why he has nothing more to say יש לומר בדרך אפשר because it is (לשיטתו) part of ימות המשיח so people can live again and do more מצוות so that יזכו לחיי העולם הבא. So, in his opinion it is “only” a means to an end and therefore he has not that much to say.

4. 13 Principles of Faith, Ani Ma’amin, Yigdal. (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5780/ 2020) Class Four.

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