05. “Vayehi Achar” The Akeida (Machon Chana (5775/ 2014)) Class Five.
Posted: December 16, 2021
05. “Vayehi Achar” The Akeida (Machon Chana (5775/ 2014)) Class Five. WEDNESDAY 25 KISLEV 5775/ DECEMBER 17 2014. The actual Akaida takes place. Yitzchok is tied up, drawn into a point (not a man that’s opened into three (kavim) columns, but a point, like the fetal position.) Avrohom tries to ‘Shecht’ him, raise him up from man to essence, and Hashem interferes through a Malach. A real change in form takes place at this point. Rather than Hashem being called ‘Elokim’ which (in this story) alludes to His highest essence (Helem Haatzmi) above all, he suddenly is Havaya, Godliness in a revealed way. Hashem reveals to Avrohom that now that Yitzchok achieved Mesiras Nefesh he must live, bring Godliness down. The ram that replaces Yitzchok is as if Yitzchok himself were sacrificed.