06. “Vayehi Achar” The Akeida (Machon Chana (5775/ 2014)) Class Six.
Posted: December 16, 2021
06. “Vayehi Achar” The Akeida (Machon Chana (5775/ 2014)) Class Six. WEDNESDAY 9 TEVES 5775/ DECEMBER 31 2014. The end of the Akaida, Avrohom names the place, calling out the idea of God being seen and feared. (Chesed with Gevurah shines as opposed to Chessed alone). The Angel calls again and blesses. What is in this blessing? 1) The Jews are forever, 2) The power to do T’shuva and more. They return to the Donkey, and bring along what the Akaida gave them into their regular life.