02. “Liolom Yehei Adam” [Tana Dvei Eliyahu] (Machon Chana (5775/ 2015)) Class Two. In this class we began a series of comparative Nusachs. Since this prayer is so old, and (at the same time) based on a Midrash, it combines great uniformity with very significant (large and small) variances. We explore the first four lines and will continue doing so until we complete this IYH. 1) Should the first two lines be said altogether. 2) בסתר, בספר ובגלוי, בסתר כבגלוי. These small differences matter a lot. 3) the oldest version demands complete Yirah, this was changed and why. 4) Emes, emes in one’s heart. 5) The machzor Vitri adds a second level to why Hashem will help us beyond His great mercies.