09. “Liolom Yehei Adam” [Tana Dvei Eliyahu] (Machon Chana (5775/ 2015)) Class Nine. 20 WEDNESDAY 9 SIVAN 5775/ MAY 27 2015. Four שמע ישראל per day. This class is based entirely on the Arizal, who explains that the recitation of קריאת שמע sets up the יחודים of זו”נ achieved each morning and night. Though שמע is מן התורה and שמונה עשרה is מדרבנן, nevertheless, יחוד או”א דק”ש sets up the יחוד זו”נ דשמונה עשרה. There are four קריאת שמע two connected to מעריב and two connected to שחרית. The morning is about subtlety and nuance and the night about faith and simple strength. This class is an attempt to convey a strictly Kabbalistic idea in Chassidic language.