
תרומת הדשן Class One.Wednesday 8 Marcheshvan 5776/ October 21 2015This class begins exploring תרומת הדשן and preparing אש in the בית המקדש. The paragraph was read and explained inside based mostly on the ראשונים. The אורח חיים was also referenced. The three ideas here are: 1) ash removal, 2) fire in the Beis HaMikdash, 3)...

תרומת הדשן Machon LiYahadus Class Two.WEDNESDAY 15 MARCHESHVAN 5776/OCTOBER 28 2015Though these are Korbanos classes, the Alter Rebbe begins them with ash and night to underscore how we, Jews in exile do the Korbanos- starting with night and darkness (night before morning) and not with light (Day before night). This class includes a Sicha (Likutei Sichos...

תרומת הדשן Machon LiYahadus Class Three.WEDNESDAY 22 MARCHESHVAN 5776/NOVEMBER 4 2015.Based on the principle established in the last class that תרומת הדשן means beginning our morning by getting out of the darkness, we began reading the paragraph and read 2 Pesukim. 1) צו means being strengthened against hardships from darkness, but this brings out inner powers...

תרומת הדשן Machon LiYahadus Class Four.CLASS 06 WEDNESDAY 29 MARCHESHVAN 5776/NOVEMBER 11 2015.We reviewed from the beginning and explained four Pesukim. The ash represents bitterness needed to go from darkness to light, but when it is absolutely the most bitter we shift [‘remove the garments’] to Joy. Clothing to remove the bitterness and put it...

תרומת הדשן Machon LiYahadus Class Five.WEDNESDAY 13 KISLEV 5776/NOVEMBER 25 2015.In this last class on תרומת הדשן we learned the last two פסוקים that discuss fire. We explained that the fire burns even in Galus and that there are three levels: 1) When it is day time (time of the Bais HaMikdash) and the work...