37. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Thirty Seven, Perek Three (18) Birchas Krias Shma (01).
Posted: January 23, 2022
37. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Thirty Seven, Perek Three (18) Birchas Krias Shma (01). 1) Review of previous class. 2) Opening to Birchas Krias Shma, using the mind to relate to God. 3) When it’s too difficult to relate (and see value) in the King Himself, you can be inspired by how those around Him behave towards Him. 4) Introduction to Malachim (Angels), they are called נבדלים (separate ones) not נטיעות (the term in Chazal for Sefiros) and not שפלים, מורכבים, יושבי בתי חומר. Removed from Godliness and Worldliness.
37. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Thirty Seven, Perek Three (18) Birchas Krias Shma (01).