חסידות וסדר Class Three חסידות is נעוץ תחילתן בסופן וסופן בתחילתן and עיגולים מבלי אשר ימצא ראש וסוף. Three explanations: 1) שמן has three characteristics: A. cannot be eaten alone and is found in everything, B. שמן מפעפע בכולו C. שמן צף על כל משקין. Chassidus is as available and as illusive as שמן and is based on these characteristics. 2) אין סוף למעלה עד אין קץ ולמטה עד אין תכלית this is not Hashem as he doesn’t have divisions, but His Light, and it also is everywhere and nowhere (as is Chassidus). 3) the example of אור light; it changes everything and nothing at all.