42. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Forty Two, Perek Three (23) Birchas Krias Shma (06).
Posted: January 31, 2022
42. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Forty Two, Perek Three (23) Birchas Krias Shma (06). 1) Ofanim don’t try and understand directly, they satisfy themselves with understanding God indirectly, and in doing so are actually closer to the Truth. ברוך כבוד הוי’ ממקומו from wherever He is. 2) We then explained the three parts of the first Bracha of Krias Shma: A. about the heavens, stars constellations, orbits. B. about the מלאכים explained in our Ma’amar at length, C. about the Sefiros. We discussed כי הוא לבדו מרום וקדוש and therefore there must be לא-ל ברוך נעימות יתנו and למלך א-ל חי… זמירות יאמרו ותשבחות ישמיעו. We further discussed that each of the double expressions פועל גבורות etc. are the Sefiros (י”ב גבולי אלכסון). 3) The second Bracha of Krias Shma is about Neshamos Yisroel. Our advantage is our ability to go anywhere from the highest worlds to the lowest worlds.
42. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Forty Two, Perek Three (23) Birchas Krias Shma (06).