14c. Vayiru Es Elokai Yisroel 5719, Class Three. Beginning and the end of the Ma’amar revolves around two versions of understanding ויראו את אלוקי ישראל … כמעשה לבנת הספיר וכעצם השמים לטוהר. According to the Midrash and Yerushalmi they are two successive things, and according to the Targum Yonasan they are two simultaneous thigs. This means that the Bittul Hayesh (לבנת הספיר) culminates in Bittul Atzmi (וכעצם השמים לטוהר which is called אבן ספיר). The question (and argument) seems to be how close the Bittul HaYesh is to the Bittul Atzmi (ועצע”ג).