
15a. Vayakheil Moshe 5719, Class One.

15a. Vayakheil Moshe 5719, Class One.
Because of the length of this Ma’amar I’m including minute markers dividing the class up into subsections.
1) The beginning of the class we introduced the entire Ma’amar. It will deal with the material from which the Kiyor (Water basin) was made: מראות הצובאות (looking glasses (mirrors)) of copper.
The Kiyor is very important as you could do nothing in the Beis HaMukdash without washing first; and therefore it is forever linked to Moshe Rabbeinu.
The idea will be that the looking glasses diminish the light but ultimately have a huge advantage.
This is from the beginning of the class until minute 7.06
2) Then we learned the beginning and the end of the Ma’amar that dealt with the Passuk Vayakheil Moshe: Moshe collects all Yidden and all sparks and builds the (ultimate) Mishkan.
This from minute 7.06 until minute 24.20
3) Then we talked a bit about the Beis HaMikdash as a whole
This is from minute ?? until minute ??
4) And very quickly got to the talk of the Kiyor, the מראות הצובאות, and we shifted form there to a discussion on Gan Eden.
This from minute 24.20 until minute 36.45
5) Gan Eden is תענוג השגה the delight from understanding Godliness (the understanding may be finite, but( the delight is infinite. All levels of (this) delight are quantum separated from another.
This from minute 36.45 until minute 56.20
Question: how can a Neshama (which is finite and a creation) apprehend Ein Sof?
Answer: through a “garment” like Mohse had when he went up the mountain (with his body) and we have in Gan Eden for our Soul to reach this delight of Ein Sof.
This is from minute 56.20 until the end of the class.

15a. Vayakheil Moshe 5719, Class One.

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