
15b. Vayakheil Moshe 5719, Class Two.

15b. Vayakheil Moshe 5719, Class Two.
1) Today is RaShaG’s Yahtzait so we spoke about him a bit and his relationship with the Rebbe
From the beginning until minute 12:10
2) Then we reviewed the previous class about Gan Eden and how a finite Neshama (אלקות שנעשה נברא) could receive Ein Sof and tolerate it: because of a Livush.
We discussed various Livushim for Sechel; but struggled to find one to explain how to partially conceal Ein Sof, the best we did was explain it by explaining Nevua.
From 12:10 until 22:10.
3) Then we began inside, explaining אספקלריא שאינה מאירה (a looking glass that allows you to see -only- indirectly). It blocks but reveals some of the light. There is an advantage of seeing through such a looking glass as it allows the advantage of אור חוזר revealing and seeing things you’d never see without the concealment.
The AVODA of אספקלריא שאינה מאירה is the idea of overcoming the הסתר הגוף ונפש הבהמית and it also has advantage.
From 22:10 until 53:00
4) We then discussed אספקלריא המאירה, we actually went back and reread a little from the beginning of Perek 4, explaining the same three ideas mentioned by אספקלשא”מ: A. Even אספקלריא המאירה hides somewhat to reveal, so B. It also has the advantage (similar to אור חוזר) from getting past the blockage, C. The Mashal for this is the Levush of Torah and Mitzvos, that (obviously don’t conceal as much as the גוף ונה”ב, but) they are physical and as such hide partially.
From 53:00 until 1:04:24
5) We the went back to the Kiyor (water basin) being made from two types of מראות that are the two levels listed above; they both conceal but both have the advantage of revealing a higher light through correcting what they block.
From 1:04:24 until 1:11:21
6) We finished by explaining the need to wash hands (garments of Torah and Mitzvos) and feet (garments of body and animal soul) to work in the Beis HaMikdash; and that this requires Koach (and water) from Moshe Rabbeinu, Chochma of Atzilus and מ”ה שבמ”ה.
From 1:11:21 until the end of the Ma’amar.

15b. Vayakheil Moshe 5719, Class Two.

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