
19. Ki Tisa 5736 (A Shkalim Ma’amar)

19. Ki Tisa 5736 (A Shkalim Ma’amar)
We learned this Ma’amar backwards: first we learned all of the Biur (most of the Ma’amar) then we went back and asked each question (there are 11 of them) and found their answers throughout the Ma’amar.
This Ma’amar holds that entire building of the Mishkan including collection Machatzis HaSheekl and collecting all the Yidden (Vayakheil) is a reaction to the SIN of the golden calf.
What is unusual about this Ma’amar is that the correction is done only through Moshe Rabbeinu and it is on a level where (not only is the sin forgiven and reversed, but) we are raised to a level of no connection to (any kind of) sin whatsoever.
He does two things: A. creates unity in the disparate ranks of the Jewish people (which is a symptom of the disparateness associated with idolatry [i. e. the golden calf]); B. he affects Birur, which actually gathers and heals the sparks compromised by the sin.
He also raises us higher as a result, which is represented by Shabbos and it’s link to the building of the Mishkan.
And on this basis he explains why כי תשא את ראש is singular and ויקהל משה is singular because only Moshe can do this.
In the end the Beis HaMikdash affects unity (in place of division) and Birur (to correct sin) on the highest possible level.

Ki Tisa 5736 (A Shkalim Ma’amar)

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