49. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Forty Nine, Perek Three (30) Krias Shma (06).
Posted: March 1, 2022
49. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Forty Nine, Perek Three (30) Krias Shma (06). Having discused all three Parshiyos (sections) of Kriyas Shema, we move on to the (one) morning Bracha that follows Kriyas Shema. It’s trademark the repetition of (the rarely used but most serious) word אמת TRUE. It is repeated 8 times 4 in VaYatziv and 4 more in Ezras. We explore the word Truth and link it to exodus (יציאת מצרים) because the painful truth empowers us to be bigger and freer, but it can hurt. We also point out that in the first half of this Bracha (from VeYatziv until selah) the key word (aside from Emes) is ‘davar’ (the word or thing, which refers either to Torah or Yetzias Mitzrayim.
49. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Forty Nine, Perek Three (30) Krias Shma (06).