52. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty Two, Perek Three (33) Shmona Esrei (02).
Posted: March 11, 2022
52. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty Two, Perek Three (33) Shmona Esrei (02). An entirely new angel on Shmone Esrei is discussed in today’s class. The idea that Tefilla (more than Torah and Mitzvos) change the physical world (See Lihavin Ma SheKasuv BiPri Etz Chayim, at the end of the Tanya). This is why we ask for physical things in the Amida: we wish to see God actually in the world and this happens through our requests in Shmone Esrei. This plays out spiritually also, as the Kabbalah of the Amida is about different meditations of each Sefira, connected to the divine name in each of the 13 middle Brachos of the Amida, as we bring Godliness DOWN then into the various different vessels. The REBBE argues, that as Shmone Esrei changes the world physically, it changes the Jew (davening) actually, as he is raised from ביטול היש (not real change) to ביטול במציאות (real change).
52. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty Two, Perek Three (33) Shmona Esrei (02).