53. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty Three, Perek Three (33) Shmona Esrei (03).
Posted: March 13, 2022
53. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty Three, Perek Three (33) Shmona Esrei (03). 1) Review, the connection between the idea of Shmone Esrei being ביטול במציאות and the idea of changing the physical world by having the Tefilla answered. The connection is that tefilla changes things really; and in this case: reaching the level of ביטול במציאות. 2) The difference between ביטול במציאות and ביטול עצמי; the argument that Tefilla cannot be ביטול עצמי even though it is ביטול במציאות because Tefilla starts out as ביטול היש, and automatically it will never be ביטול עצמי.
53. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty Three, Perek Three (33) Shmona Esrei (03).