54. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty Four, Perek Three (34) Shmona Esrei (04); Nefillas Apayim.
Posted: March 13, 2022
54. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty Four, Perek Three (34) Shmona Esrei (04) Nefillas Apayim. 1)This Shiur was unfortunately shortened by technical circumstances. 2) Review of discussion that ביטול במציאות of Shmone Esrei isn”t ביטול עצמי and why. 3) But there IS ביטול עצמי in Davening and that is Nefillas Aayim (Tachanun), because that is a level where the head and feet are the same. Discussion on השתחואה in the Beis HaMikdash.
54. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty Four, Perek Three (34) Shmona Esrei (04) Nefillas Apayim.