56. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty Six, Perek Four (01) Meziga Nichona (01).
Posted: March 23, 2022
56. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty Six, Perek Four (01) Meziga Nichona (01). Now that we finished explaining (Torah and) Tefilla, we return to the balance between Torah (Top Down, ‘organized religion’) and Tefilla (Bottom Up, ‘personal religion’). He explains the need for the balance because Adam means body and soul together; the point and purpose is that each should do the opposite of it’s nature: the Soul should go downward and the Body upwards. This accomplished through serving Hashem (both) with Torah and Tefilla.
56. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty Six, Perek Four (01) Meziga Nichona (01).