
This beginners class overviews all of the Parsha focusing especially on the various stages in Avrohom Avinu’s life.

A commentary on the first Possuk. LECH LECHA 2006 – COMPLETE YOUR MISSION Why is the “lecha” in “Lech lecha” needed? The shiur is packed with analysis from different sources starting with Rashi and moving on to Ramban, R. Bechaye, Alshich, Tur, Rikanti, and more. The discussion then moves into the realm of Chassidus with...

LECH LECHA 2005 – TEN TESTS OF AVRAHAM AVINU The shiur focuses on how the tests are enumerated and is relatively advanced. Two opinions (Pirkei d’Rab Eliezer and Rambam) are mentioned about which were included in the tests. A commentary is offered to explain the basis for the argument.

Avrohom – the first Jew, there will never be another. Job is a book in Kesuvim, but it is the oldest book of the TaNaCh, written by Moshe Rabbeinu himself. It is an idea; the search for a perfect man (and woman). The Satan assures G-d Almighty Himself that there will never be another Avrohom....

Lech Lecha 13: 14-17 taking possession of the Land.Avraham is told to see the lands and is promised that they are all to be his. Two passages later he is told to walk on the lands, and where he steps will be his.The Gemara in Shabbos (118b) says that Avraham’s gift (of land) was the...

Lech Lecha 14-01 “WAR”The Tanchuma says that the battle described in our Parsha is the first ever among human beings.This gives us reason to pause and consider the challenge from on high to mankind not to engage in warfare.

Anochi Magen Luch. What is Hashem protecting Avrohom from. Rashi, E. Ezra, Radak, Ralbag, Migale Amukos, Maamar (5678).

Lech Lecha 16: 07- 12 meeting AngelsHagar after being expelled from Avraham and Sara’s house meets four (or five) different Angels who comfort her, encourage her to return to Sara’s home (and torment) and makes real promises to her about the future (the near and distant future).The class explores the idea of meeting Angels and...

The name ‘Shad’ai’. What this name of Hashem represents. 1) Sufficiency, 2) Abundant Elokus. A development of this idea until Chassidus. How in miracles concealed in nature and nature itself there is abundant Godliness.

A commentary on Bris Mila.

Avrom has his name changed to AVROHOM.

Sarai has her name changed to SARAH.