
Tanya Chapter 20, Class 2 (155).

Tanya Chapter 20, Class 2 (155).
This class introduces the subject of Achdus Hashem, by giving two overviews:
1) We discussed the Halachos of
A. Emuna (a pre or super Mitzvah);
B. Yedias Hashem (the 1st Mitzvah: Anochi Hashem Elokecha);
C. Achdus Hashem (the 2nd Mitzvah: Shma Yisroel… Echod)
and what these three mean.
2) We also discussed the four possible theologies
A. Achdus, He’s the complete master (שאר הכחות כגרזן ביד החוצב בו תחת ידיו) (and according to Chassidus there is nothing besides for Him);
B. Shituf, there are other forces with free will and power, who govern on their own, but defer to Him when He commands (אלקא דאלקייא);
C. Avoda Zara, the forces other than Him with their own free will do not listen to Him (אלקא דאלקייא on a lower level: עזב ה’ את הארץ בידי כוכבים ומזלות);
D. Kfira, atheism, meaning there is NO [One] God, and even if there are other forces (כוכבים ומזלות) there is no ONE above them (כחשו בהוי’ ולומר לא הוא).
In modern language these four would be:
A. There is no nature, only the Divine Will;
B. There’s nature that governs the creation independently, but He can change it when He wishes to;
C. He exists, there is nature but He cannot affect a change in nature because He’s removed from it,
D. There are only the laws of nature and there no Source (outside the Creation whatsoever) or Creator of the world and it’s laws.

Tanya Chapter 20, Class 2 (155).

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