63. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Sixty Three, Perek Four (08) Meziga bilti Nichona (model 03).
Posted: April 4, 2022
63. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Sixty Three, Perek Four (08) Meziga bilti Nichona (model 03). Review of third מזיגה בלתי נכונה, what the Rebbe RaShaB says about the Neshamos of our generations (that they are תרתי לריעותא low Guf and low Neshama) and what the Rebbe changes (that due to the lowliness of our Neshamos we have very high (Aidel) bodies. Only Hashem can create the מזג. The proper מזג allows for Avoda (the Guf is inspired to work by the Neshama, and the Guf works).
63. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Sixty Three, Perek Four (08) Meziga bilti Nichona (model 03).