
Kapital 121 (5782/ 2022), Beis Midrash Linashim Ubanos 770, Class One.

Kapital 121 (5782/ 2022), Beis Midrash Linashim Ubanos 770, Class One.
Introduction to All 15 Shir HaMa’alos: the number 15 represents higher than the world of conflict (י-ה which is above the worldly level ו-ה). There are two ideras: 1) being raise above the world, like הנסתרות להוי’ אלוקינו and תשובה עילאה; and 2) all three Avos (who lived together in the world for 15 years) in a state of התכללות (inter-inclusiveness) that brings the Atzmus of Elokus into the world in a perfect תיקון.
Introduction to this Shir Lama’alos: it is the only one that begins with a למ”ד that is שיר למעלות (and not שיר המעלות). According to RaShI it is the opening to them all; alternatively it is an ascent that never is compromised so you celebrate the effect rather than the act.
It is about שמירה (Divine guardianship), as the Shmira appears in this Perek five times!!! The question if one is above the world why do you need guardianship? 1) There is higher levels of Shmira also (as we will IYH explore); 2) like Shmira and Lo Ta’aseh (Liasid) that מצות לא תעשה are higher than מצות עשה.

Kapital 121 (5782/ 2022), Beis Midrash Linashim Ubanos 770, Class One.

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