
05. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class Five.

05. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class Five.
This class is a detailed analysis of the very first Possuk.
All of Tehillim are Psalms, that means Music.
We explored the idea of חושים that the arts are very close to the Soul and speak (reveal) the language of the Soul. Music, Art, Poetry and even Dance.
We further explored the idea of חושים vs. כחות; that the חושים express the entire infinity of the Soul directly but it doesn’t change you, while the כחות cannot express the entire Soul (only one faculty) but it is transforming.
So the correct sequence in a complete life should be חושים then כחות then חושים again.
למנצח is the source of the music before it is actually music, the deepoest.
בנגינות (simply) means Music.
מזמור שיר means music with an instrument (a lower level) and with the human voice (a higher level).
Music comes from the very source of Music and first speaks with a tool and then with the Light of the Soul itself.

05. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class Five.

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