
Kedoshim 19:16. Lashon HaRa (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022)

Kedoshim 19-16. Lashon HaRa (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022).
This class deals with Rechilus and Lashon HaRa.
There are many sources cited:
1) Toras Kohanim In judgement: don’t be hard to one and soft to another; after the verdict don’t disclose that you were more lenient.
2) Gemara Pesachim Don’t testify as a single witness. That accomplishes nothing but to hurt the person with words (RaShbaM to the Gemarah there).
3) Seder Eliyahu Rabba (like Ona’as Devarim) don’t be soft with words, and tough in your heart; do not remind someone of his earlier sins.
4) Midrash It can bring to murder; proximity to לא תעמוד על דם רעיך establishes this link.
5) RaShI Going from house to house to peddle ideas; like a spy.
6) Targum (in RaShI and) RaMbaN RaShI- they eat to confirm the Lashon HaRa, RaMbaN Lashon HaRa without words just with grimaces and grunts.
7) RaMbaM Hilchos Deos Perek 7 Haachos 1-6 1) No punishment but it kills; 2) 3 levels: A. Gossipiest, B. Lashon HaRa (truth to shame), C. Motzie Shem Rah (lies); 3) Equal to all three cardinal sins, is considered denying God, Kills three, the speaker, the hearer, and who it is about; 4) Five types of אבק לשון הרע (the ‘dust’ of Lashon HaRa); 5) When is it Lashon HaRa; 6) Stay away from such people don’t talk to them; the case against the Jews in the desert was sealed due to Lashon HaRa.

Kedoshim 19-16. Lashon HaRa (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022).

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