30a. UviRashei Chadshaichem 5736 (fourth part of a Hemshech), Class One.This class introduces the Ma’amar.It has two parts, a basic part that explains that ובראשי חדשיכם includes two Avodos, Iskafia and Ishapacha.Later (next class IYH) he adds the question of מדלג ומקפץ that Pesach is inspired for the top and on that level everything is...
30b. UviRashei Chadshaichem 5736 (fourth part of a Hemshech), Class Two.This second part of the Ma’amar links this one to the three earlier ones. It deals with the Avoda of Iskafia (Pesach) and Ishapcha (Sefiras HaOmer) having the property of leaping.Teshuva (the Avoda of Leaping, and in spirituality it is the level of Ein Sof...
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